Module 1: Philosophy and Overview of PBIS
This training module provides an overview or the rational for creating a positive, proactive, and preventative behavior system including steps to create an essential shift in discipline philosophy to successfully implement PBIS.
Module 2: District Leadership in PBIS
This training module highlights the importance and advantages of having leadership support for PBIS at the district level. It outlines the responsibilities of the team including roles and responsibilities of the team members and coaches.
Module 3: Creating a PBIS School Leadership Team
This training module gives schools and administrators information that will help them create a strong PBIS leadership team.
Module 4: An Introduction to PBIS
This training module provides a basic understanding and overview of PBIS.
Module 5: Developing PBIS Behavioral Expectations
This training module guides implementers in selecting and defining behavioral expectations that are appropriate for their schools.
Module 6: Teaching Behavioral Expectations
This training module guides implementers in developing a system for teaching behavioral expectations.
Module 7: Acknowledging Expected Behavior
This training module guides implementers in developing a system for acknowledging students for following the behavioral expectations.
Module 8: Responding to Inappropriate Behavior
This training module provides attendees with essential components when responding to inappropriate behaviors.
Module 9: Collecting and Using Data for PBIS Tier I
Decision Making
This training module provides information on data based decision making. Attendees will be provided information that will assist in developing a process for collecting, analyzing and utilizing behavioral data.
Module 10: The PBIS Team Meeting
This training module provides essential components necessary when conducting PBIS team meetings.
Module 11: Coaching in PBIS
This training module provides participants with essential steps in developing an effective PBIS coaching process.
Module 12: Staff Ownership
This training module provides strategies that will assist schools/districts in garnering staff ownership when implementing PBIS.
Module 13: PBIS in the Classroom
This training module provides participants with methods to ensure PBIS Tier 1 is extended into the classroom.
Module 14: PBIS Assessment and Evaluation
This training module highlights the importance of conducting regular assessments to ensure fidelity when implementing Tier I. The module also provides implementers with information on PBIS assessment tools.
Module 15: Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)
This training module guides PBIS team members through the process of utilizing the PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI). Topics include preparing for, administering, and action planning.
Module 16: Kicking Off PBIS
This training module provides information for PBIS teams to ensure readiness to initially implement PBIS Tier 1. Participants will receive guidance and examples for creating action plans before their own kick-off.
Module 17: Family and Community Engagement
This training module highlights the importance and benefits of family and community engagement with PBIS. It shows strategies and examples for the team to help engage families and the community in PBIS.