Task 4. Create Assignment – UDL Lesson

Section: Work Examples and Artifacts

Task 4: Steps

Assignment: Create a document (Word or pdf file) demonstrating a new or existing lesson that is annotated to show how UDL principles and guidelines are incorporated in the learning design to provide students with multiple means of engagement (motivation and interest in learning); multiple means of representation (access to content); and multiple means of action and expression (demonstration of learning). (Assignment will be uploaded in Task 6.)

Completion: Click the green ‘Mark Complete’ button when you have finished creating your file.

Passing: Earner receives ‘Demonstrated’ on all criteria for the three to five learner profiles submitted.

Task 4: Lesson Annotation Key

Annotation Color: Green

UDL Principles and Guidelines:
Means of Engagement

Annotation Color: Purple

UDL Principles and Guidelines:
Means of Representation

Annotation Color: Blue

UDL Principles and Guidelines:
Means of Action and Expression

Annotations should include a rationale that connects the learner profiles created in Tasks 1 and 2 to the new learning design. Additionally, annotations should include the following critical elements of UDL:

  • Clear Goals and Outcomes
  • Intentional Planning for Learner Variability
  • Flexible Methods and Materials
  • Timely Progress Monitoring

The earner may choose to submit a lesson plan of your own design or the Critical Elements of UDL template provided here.

Task 4: Work Examples and Artifacts Scoring Guide


Earner submits an annotated lesson plan that includes the critical elements of UDL with descriptions of how principles and guidelines are incorporated.


Earner submits an annotated lesson plan that includes some of the critical elements of UDL with limited descriptions of how principles and guidelines are incorporated.

Not met

Earner submission is incomplete.